
Saved By Word Games

After usurping my buddy Turtle's TV for the Iowa caucus, and the state it put me into, I was definitely not suffering through that much Wolf Blitzer again. (Wolf Blitzer? I know, I know, the funny of his name was beat to death in 1991, but I'm not over it). My not watching of tonight's NH primaries got a little help-along by the fact that Tuesday is stone soup night at our house, the brainchild of my darlin' (who is also known as Lion, in some circles). Our family of friends comes on over (or we head to one of them sometimes), everyone armed with potential soup ingredients. The results have been, uh, varied since this tradition came into being, but overwhelmingly edible. Tonight brought us vegetable soup with beans. It was pronounced bland, but like pretty much everything, a little bit of added cheesed dressed it up nicely.

Hm, veggie-bean-cheese soup sounds kind of weird, I think.

Weird or not, soup and friends took my mind off of the primary. And there is little in my mind that feels more like contentment than the steamy air of a soup-in-progress kitchen.

I only thought to look at the results a few minutes ago. And so it looks like McCain and Clinton in this round. Ooh, I like very much that it's an across the board different result from that in Iowa. Now I guess it's ten more rounds of crazy campaigning before South Carolina and it looks like Obama and Clinton are neck in neck! It's like watching a rugby match.

And just for kicks- to bring it back to, uh, this blogs loosely connected themes, Healthline has a little sum-up of Obama's universal health coverage plan. It's interesting. And complicated. I'm definitely all for a single-payer system, myself. Simple! That means cheap! If you don't know how that stuff works, go watch the animation that Graham at Over My Med Body put together.

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